1. Magical Journey
Can you translate this song in English?
不思議空間 (What's the strange place)
時空のよじれ (Where the space-time is twisted)
古都と宇宙を (And Kyoto and the universe)
つなぐ場所 (is conected tightly)
And Kyoto and the universe
If you find
A magical journey!
You walk through Hanami Koji
(It's a street of Gion,)
And go through Hujing Raijing Kenninji
(Hujin Raijin is the God of wind and thunder)
Turn to the left and walk along a little
You'll find at the right side the Akai Torii
(Akai Torii is at the entrance of the shrine)
There, we write troubles and wishes on Ofuda
(Ofuda is the paper you write your wishes on)
And feel like praying to GOD for Salvation
We wish for better luck by calming our worries
We wish to encounter a wonderful relation
When I go through the narrow rocky hole,
(Rocky hole?)
I am a completly changed person.
My negative feelings have disapeared
Now I seem to have become a different person
A hole opened in Yasui Higashiyama
(Otherwise known as Yasui Kompiragu shrine)
You will be able to taste time travel
Yasaka Kiyomizu Gion and after that
Let's try and enjoy a magical journey
不思議空間 (What's the strange place)
時空のよじれ (Where the space-time is twisted)
古都と宇宙を (And Kyoto and the universe)
つなぐ場所 (is conected tightly)
What is the strange place
Where the space-time is twisted
And Kyoto and the Universe is connected tightly
And Kyoto and the Universe
And Kyoto and the Universe
If you find it …
Yasaka kiyomizu Gion and after that
Let's try and enjoy a magical journey
Thank you for translating this song!
You’re welcome!
2. Concerto of more than a thousand years
Past, Present, and Future lives
They're hiding in this moment of time flow
Those moments and scenes become all the thoughts
And have made this town a strong hold of hope
I realized a new understanding of time and space
And I felt a very strange excitement
The light that comes from the eastern peak announces the arrival of the morning
It's a sign of awakening, today is the beginning
I feel that my heart has completely transformed my life
Each one embraces their own feelings,
the new one starts to move,
forming a deep mission to shape this town
When passing through the alleyway,
I hear sounds of my shoes
with the wind from the river hitting my back
And I rise up and fly far away
A myriad of intentions gather and resonate,
it sounds like a concerto which has been played for
more than a thousand years this town reverberate
A myriad of intentions gather and resonate,
it sounds like a concerto which has been played for
more than a thousand years this town reverberate
3. Samurai Hero
Gata goto gata goto
I surely hear the sounds that the times are ‘bout to change
Dokun zukin dokun zukin
I can’t resist to do something, my heart is getting torn
He seems not to be interested in love affair
But women will fall in love with him at a glance
He has a human power to attract even men
He always looks ahead of the times, talking ‘bout dreams
and he opened the door to the future of the world
Through that door, when I came to Kyoto today,
the situation of the streets and people has changed,
but its tenasity has not changed
Even though they smile, but then heart are burning
They resist if it seems to be swept away
Karan koron karan koron
I surely hear the sounds that the times are rolling loud
Dosun batan dosun batan
and I am always looking for something I can do
Samurai hero, his name is Ryouma
Everyone will gets up when the reason dosen’t hold
In this there were Samurai who believe in tomorrow
While they smile, they believed the times will change and more all minds
Samurai hero, you! let’s do it too!
If you have something to worry about,
You will certainly find something strong in this town
If you find out and feel it, and you know what to do,
Let’s walk a big street, head towards tomorrow
Samurai hero, that is you,too
Karan koron karan koron
I surely hear the sounds that the times are rolling loud
Dosun batan dosun batan
and I am always looking for something I can do
and I am always looking for something I can do
4. 京の通りの数え唄
通りを渡る風に乗り 織りなす碁盤の目を辿る
時と心の交差する 想い敷き詰めた京の町
幼子の声に誘われ 古より伝わる 手毬唄
まるたけえびすに おしおいけ
あねさんろっかく たこにしき
しあやぶったか まつまんごじょう
せったちゃらちゃら うおのたな
ろくじょうさんてつ とおりすぎ
ひっちょうこえれば はっくじょう
じゅうじょうとうじで とどめさす
てらごこふやとみ やなぎさかい
たかあいひがし くるまやちょう
からすりょうがえ むろころも
しんまちかまんざ にしおがわ
あぶらさめがいで ほりかわのみず
よしやいのくろ おおみやへ
まつひぐらしに ちえこういん
じょうふくせんぼん はてはにしじん
5. 一つひよこ
マントの風呂敷翻し 和洋ごちゃ混ぜみんなが主役
チャンチャンバラバラ砂ぼこり 切ったら血が出るターラタラ
大きな子から小さな子へと 伝えて一緒に遊びましょ
ひーふーみーよー ひとつふたつみっつ せっせっせ と数え唄
一つひよこがまま食うて タイナクネンネ
二つ舟には船頭さんが タイナクネンネ
三つ店にはおもちゃが タイナクネンネ
四つ横浜 異人さんが タイナクネンネ
五つ医者さんが薬箱 タイナクネンネ
横丁の路地は学校で センセも生徒もありません 日が暮れるまで遊びます
明日もまたね 指切った!
6. 京の大仏さん
京の 京の 大仏つぁんは 天火で焼けてなァ 三十三間堂が 焼け残った
ありゃ ドンドンドン こりゃ ドンドンドン
「うしろの正面 どなた」
「お猿 キャッキャッキャッ」
「違いました 違いました 松の陰」
「よう咲いた よう咲いた」
7. お月さんいくつ
お月さんいくつ 十三 七つ
なな織着せて おまんはどこいた
油買いに 酢買いに
油屋の角で 油一升こぼして
その油どうした 犬がねぶって候
その犬どうした 太鼓に貼って候
その太鼓どうした あんまり叩いて 破れて候
その破れどうした 火にくべて候
その火どうした 灰になって候
その灰どうした 麦に撒いて候
その麦どうした 鳩が食べて候
その鳩をどうした 山へ逃げて候
お月さんいくつ 十三 七つ
通りを渡る風に乗り 織りなす碁盤の目を辿る
時と心の交差する 思い敷き詰めた京の町
幼子の声に誘われ 古より伝わる わらべ唄