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加納 剛太




Carlos Paz de Araujo


Innovation and creativity are twin sisters. Art is an expression of creativity and it is always full of innovative characteristics. Your idea of linking innovation to musical arts and production is an excellent one, as content in the media age is very valuable and can sustain a whole industry with global consequences -vis a vis, Hollywood and Bollywood in India. Also, the accumulation of art in its many forms is in itself the heritage of culture, which has deep connections with the spirit of a nation. The name i-POP is very suggestive and can transform the desires to create and contribute to the existing culture in young people. It is for the young that the future arrives, and the past is well remembered as time goes on. Good idea to foster innovation in the arts.

Larry McMillan

米国:Symetrix 社長

Great idea. This should fall under Entrepreneurial engineering. This certainly involves invention, innovation and talent.

和迩 浩一


It was really enjoyable and stimulating music. Rena's lyrics told us how important it was to believe herself to become a professional musician. That's why I feel the concert was innovative.

倉重 光宏


Innovative POPs seems a revolutional approach to encourage the entrepreneur mind as same as to develop new technologies.

Wendy Liu

台湾:Acer Investment Director

When I clicked the link to listen to Sato San's
music, it soon relieve the exhaustion of my busy soul and body.

Jimmy Wen


This meaningful topic will fit what happens in Kyoto and in Japan right now. I believe your art performance will inspire all the innovation entrepreneurs in Kyoto and on earth. Congratulation to you and best wishes to your popular album.

木村 俊昭

TNC Bridal Service 代表取締役

昨年の夏に、初めて聴く機会を得、深い感銘を受けた佐藤礼奈さんの創造的な音楽がiPop(イノベーション・ポップス)として紹介され、そのコンセプトがここに示されたことを大変嬉しく思っています。 その演奏の拠点を、私がお勧めしていた京都岡崎公園に隣接した「細見美術館」の中に構えたいという(ご要望を今回受け、不思議なご縁を感じました。 細見美術館は日本美術の革新〜イノベーション〜に挑んだと言われる「琳派」の絵画のコレクションで有名で、今年2015年の「琳派400年記念行事」の中心的役割を果たします。 文字通り「京都からのイノベーション」というコンセプトで結ばれたこのご縁が新しい日本の文化を生み出すことに貢献をしていくことを願ってやみません。

TNC Bridal Service

平尾 昌晃

